Saturday, March 2, 2019

Week 7

I pray you all have had a healthy and productive week.  The flu hit our home, so this post is late!  But hopefully a quick recap and checklist will be a bit helpful as we enter into week 8 on Monday.  :)

We discussed chapter 6 of Do Hard Things - about raising the bar of our own expectations, going beyond the minimum required, and not becoming complacent in our own excellence (what's "easy" for us).  Do you have any ideas for a "hard thing" the class could do?

We played Bazinga and reviewed the imperfect subjunctive active, new vocabulary, etc.  This week we move into relative clauses and adjectives used as nouns.  We have just under two weeks until the NLE on March 11.  And our Toga Party will be Friday, March 15 - watch for an invitation with details soon!  Do you have your toga yet?  ;)

We discussed chapter 6 of Defeating Darwinism and worked through everyone's outlines.  Only two weeks left in this book, then we have our assessment in class.  After that, we'll transition to chemistry and Discovering Atomos.  If you are behind on any of your summaries, try to catch up!

This week, we're finishing up all the exercises for lessons 14b-17a.  This is HARD stuff!  Be patient and don't despair!  You can always email or text me with any questions.  Remember: sometimes it's easier to work backwards from the conclusion.

We discussed several problems, including one lead by Sydney (thank you!).  Come prepared with your math problem to lead each week - we'll roll the dice to see who it is!

Students shared additional descriptions of main characters, got feedback, and discussed The Red-Headed League.  I am excited to hear about all the brainstorming, outlining, and writing you complete this week on your plot.  Please bring your written work to class to share, as well as a relevant Bible verse for The Celestial Railroad.

Students submitted their direct & cross exams of the defense witnesses.  If you haven't turned in some of yours, please be sure to bring them on Monday!!

This week you will create PDI charts for each possible piece of documentary evidence.  How does it help your case?  Which elements of the crime/defense/etc. does it prove or disprove?  What damaging information does it have that you need to mitigate?

  • Don't forget to bring to class: math problem, all printed direct and cross exams you have not already turned in to me, PDI charts for all mock trial exhibits, written work on your short story plot, a relevant Bible verse for The Celestial Railroad, summary of chapter 7 in Defeating Darwinism, and your completed logic exercises.
  • NLE is March 11; Toga Party is March 15.

Blessings on you and your studies this week!

~ Mrs. D

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