Thursday, February 21, 2019

Week 6

We discussed chapter 5 of Do Hard Things.  Don't forget to be thinking of ideas for a "hard thing" the class could do!

We're moving on to lesson 23.  This is the bottom of Verb Chart 5. Remember the easy rule: Add the regular final personal signs (m, s, t, mus, tis, nt) to the present infinitive.  E.g., laudāre + -m, s, t, etc.

We discussed chapter 5 of Defeating Darwinism and worked through everyone's outlines.  As you gain more experience in using the outline shells and creating summaries each week, feel free to use whatever method and style work best for you!  The shells I provided are only a guide.

We reviewed some exercises from the prior lessons that students had trouble with, and now we're moving on to lessons 14b-17.  Be sure to read ALL the assigned lessons fully, then begin working on the exercises.  You have two weeks to complete everything.

We discussed several problems and also played Board Slam Bingo.  Don't forget to practice your multiplication drills and basic math facts on Quizlet.

Students shared their descriptions of main characters and got feedback.  We also discussed The Schoolboy’s Story and The Spot.  This week, you will continue to develop your characters using the topics of invention (i.e., the five common topics):  How do they look?  How do they behave?  Be VERY DETAILED and BRING your written descriptions to class on Monday.

We will also read The Red-Headed League.  Don't forget to find (and bring!) a Bible verse that is relevant to this applies.

Students submitted their direct & cross exams of the prosecution witnesses.  Don't forget to (1) put your name on all exams, (2) type, print, and bring two copies of each exam to class, (3) number your pages, and (4) have a separate document for each exam.

We went over the prosecution witness exams, and also reviewed the Charge of Court (in the mock trial materials).  The Charge is not read in court for our competition, but it has very good details on many elements, definitions, and strategies you may find helpful.  Be sure to read it carefully!  As we discussed, you might want to highlight it with different colors for each side (e.g., one color for things that are helpful to the prosecution and a different color for the defense).

Keep in mind...
  • The ORDER of questions is important in telling YOUR story
  • Questions on direct exam cannot be leading; on cross, they should all be leading
  • What is the critical information you need from each witness to prove the elements of your case, defense, etc.?  You should have a very clear idea/outline for this!
  • What damaging information do you need to mitigate?
  • What is the THEME of your case?  Bring ideas to share - you all must be on the same page here.
This week you will draft direct and cross examinations of both defense witnesses.  I also need you to email or text me with your top 3 choices for roles (e.g., particular witnesses you'd like to be; which side for an attorney; and/or which direct or cross exams you would like to conduct as an attorney).  I need this BEFORE Monday!

  • Send me your mock trial role preferences ASAP!
  • Don't forget our (optional) short story writer's workshop downtown is next Wednesday, Feb. 27.  If you haven't registered, look for Mrs. Cox's email that was sent a few weeks ago.
Blessings on you and your studies this week!

~ Mrs. D

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