Friday, March 8, 2019

Week 8

We are halfway through semester two - how did we get here so quickly?!?

We discussed chapter 7 of Do Hard Things - about collaboration.  Looking at several verses (Prov. 13:20, 2 Tim. 2:22, Heb. 10:24-25), we discussed the dual call to surround ourselves with people who encourage our faith while also stepping out into the world to bring Good News to the lost.

Students paired up to lead a discussion with the entire class on our recent topics of study:
1.  Relative clauses (p. 246-247)
2.  Adjectives used as nouns (p. 241)
3.  The subjunctive & purpose clauses (including negative) (p. 226-230)
4.  The imperfect subjunctive & tenses (p. 235-238)
5.  The use of AD (p. 253)

The NLE exam is next Monday - and our Toga Party is Friday, March 15 (the Ides of March!).

We discussed chapter 7 of Defeating Darwinism on modernism - only one more chapter left!  Next week, we will discuss chapter 8.  Students will also take turns explaining the 3-5 main points from one of the chapters.  They volunteered as follows:

Chapter 1 - EC
Chapter 2 - EM
Chapter 3 - SD / FC
Chapter 4 - AP
Chapter 5 - MP / GP
Chapter 6 - JG
Chapter 7 - TL
Chapter 8 - AW

You survived lessons 14-17a - well done!  I can tell you that many people think lesson 17a is the most difficult one in the entire book.  We reviewed several exercises the students struggled with - be patient and can do this! 

This week, we move on to lessons 17b-19.  Be sure to read all the assignments - maybe more than once or twice!  And I recommend you start working on a few exercises from each lesson so that we can go over any problems you're facing on Monday.

TL, JG, and AP led our math discussions - thank you!  Everyone should be prepared with a problem to lead each week - just because you were called on previously doesn't mean you're off the hook!

Students shared their plot outlines.  You will continue to develop plot this week - start writing and have fun! 

We also discussed The Celestial Railroad.  Students found some great Bible verses, and we shared some wonderful insights into this story and its relationship to Pilgrim's Progress.

We had our big reveal for students' roles on direct and cross examinations.  Next Monday, I will distribute all of the direct and cross examination drafts I have from students.  Don't forget, we scheduled a mock trial work session during our usual Latin study hall next Tuesday at 10:00 a.m.

This week you will create PDI charts for each of the relevant statutes.  You should look at the statutes and case law on pages 81-82 and also review the Charge of Court on pages 104-109.  You do not need to summarize and chart each individual case.  Rather, have a separate PDI chart for such issues/crimes as (1) murder, (2) manslaughter, (3) confessions and the Miranda warning, (4) standards of proof and reasonable doubt, and (5) using prior convictions to discredit a witness's credibility.  You may find more issues to chart in the Charge of Court (students are planning to chat with one another as they find them).  The "P" column should list everything relating to that issue/crime that helps the prosecution; "D" includes what is helpful for the defense.  This could include specific elements you must prove, or simply language that is helpful to a particular side (e.g., as we discussed in class for reasonable doubt - the Charge of Court phrases it in places more helpful to the prosecution, and in other instances the language is more persuasive for the defense).

  • Don't forget to bring to class: math problem, PDI charts for statutes/Charge of Court, written work on your short story plot, a relevant Bible verse for short stories, summary of chapter 8 in Defeating Darwinism, your written out 3-5 main points for your assigned chapter in Defeating Darwinism, and your completed logic exercises.
  • Monday, 3/11:  NLE
  • Tuesday, 3/12:  Mock Trial at 10 a.m. at the library
  • Friday, 3/15:  Toga Party
Blessings on you and your studies this week!

~ Mrs. D

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