Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Week 12

We diverted from chapter 11 of Do Hard Things since no one had time to read it, and instead a couple of students shared some things they have learned or appreciated in their own devotional time recently.  Our discussion uncovered that we all struggle some in prioritizing time to nurture our relationship with Christ.  I encouraged the kids to take that on as a "hard thing" to be disciplined about this week.  I'd love to hear from each of you next Monday about what you did, something interesting or encouraging you read or learned, where you saw God moving this week, or what it looked like for you to focus more time in the Word and with the Lord.

Please also continue in Do Hard Things (chapter 12)!

This week you are in pages 300-313, looking at using the subjunctive in "wishes" and "exhortations", and also the use of suus and sui in direct and indirect reflexives.  We reviewed vocabulary from lessons 25-27 (units 7 & 8) - continue to practice with flashcards or Quizlet.

We tested our memory of the first 20 elements of the periodic table and also reviewed the exercises from Chapter 3.  We discussed how to determine whether an element is neutral, an ion, or an isotope.  We will continue to review the first 20 elements as well as vocabulary from the lessons.  There are quizzes for our class on Quizlet.  You should memorize the element name, the abbreviated name, the atomic number, and the atomic mass (rounded number is fine).

Here are some more videos and links to check out:

https://youtu.be/h9bzQIsQMAI (fun video explaining the newest 4 elements)

https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2004/02/how-do-they-name-new-elements.html (this explains how new elements are named)  

We also took a look at the upcoming Adopt-an-Element assignment - the parameters are spelled out in your Guide (in the appendix).  You can begin working on your project now.  The final product will be part of your Blue Book exam on week 15 - you'll bring your visual and completed fact sheet (found in the appendix of the Guide), and be prepared to give your oral advertisement for your element.  Here are the elements everyone picked so far:

AW: Pu
MP: Cu
EC: Ti
TL: Am
EM: Fe
GP: He
AP: Au
JG: (still needs to choose)

We finished up lessons 22-24 this week, and worked through exercises from each as a class.  Now you've got lessons 25-28 for the next two weeks.  Be sure to read everything this week and get started on as many exercises as possible - mock trial is going to require increasingly more work over the next few weeks, so you should take advantage of any extra time this week to get ahead in logic!

Students paired up for math discussions using the 5 Common Topics.  We also played Number Knockout and worked through some multiplication and basic math facts drills.  Remember you can use Quizlet to work on any rusty spots you may have uncovered in class.  ðŸ˜‰ 

You have a BIG WEEK ahead in short stories!!!  In addition to the assignments outlined in your Guide, you need to send me via email the following documents in PDF format no later than Sunday (earlier would be great, too!):
  • 6-10 page story (12-point "normal" font, black text, line spacing of 1-2 lines, 1" margins all around)
  • title page that includes the author's name and story title, plus any illustration or photo (full color is fine)
  • author's biography with a description and photo (if there's room, put this at the end of your story - otherwise, on a separate page is fine)
And if you're interested in submitting a cover for consideration for our anthology (e.g., a drawing, painting, photography, etc.), send me that as soon as possible.

Students paired up to continue work on their direct and cross exams.  They also discussed exhibits, how to enter them, and which are valuable.  Opening statements and closing arguments were also assigned (TL: prosecution opening; AP: prosecution closing; GP: defense opening; SD: defense closing), and those students can begin working on outlining their material (note: students delivering the opening and closing on a particular side should work together on the theme, what evidence is needed and will be highlighted, etc.). 

  • Email me PDF copies of your final short story (following the parameters set forth above), author's biography/photo, and title page no later than this Sunday.
  • Don't forget to bring to class: math problem; typed, printed copies of your final mock trial exams; relevant Bible verse(s) for our assigned short stories; and your Discovering Atomos book with exercises completed from lesson 4; logic and Latin books.
Blessings on you and your studies this week!  

~ Mrs. D

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