Monday, April 1, 2019

Week 11

We discussed chapter 10 of Do Hard Things - about a generation rising, what salt and light are, and the three pillars of the "rebelution" (character, competence, and collaboration).  Rebelutionaries are not only willing to make a difference, but are choosing to train themselves to be the difference.

We are moving into Unit 8 (lesson 27).  We discussed the vocative case, when and how to use it, and how to parse and diagram sentences using a direct address.  Be sure to study rule 28, and remember the vocative generally does not come first in a sentence in Latin.  We also examined commands and the present imperative active (rules 208, 216-218), which generally come first in a sentence.

We had a great discussion about the periodic table, protons, neutrons, and electrons, atomic numbers and atomic mass, and electrical charges.  We quizzed vocabulary and the symbols of elements on the periodic table.  This week read lesson 3, work through all the exercises there, and memorize the first 18-20 elements on the table.  I also found several videos you might find useful in learning more about the periodic table:

VIDEOS on periodic table:  (my favorite!) (understanding atomic number and atomic mass)


Students took turns working through exercises in lesson 22, and we briefly reviewed the main points of lessons 23 and 24, too.  This is our last week in these lessons - reread them and complete the exercises.

Thank you to our students who shared math problems this week!  Everyone please be prepared with a problem for our next class.  You might also want to practice some drills and basic math facts on Quizlet this week....  ;)

Between The Hammer of God and The Tell-Tale Heart, we had some wild stories this week!  I much preferred seeing all of YOUR stories so close to completion!  Students paired up to provide peer review and feedback.  This week should be one of substantial revisions:  Are there any plot or dialogue issues you need to tighten up?  Are you showing instead of telling?  What suggestions from your classmate should you consider?   Don't be afraid to make some significant changes or rewrites - this is pretty much your last opportunity to do that!

Also, we are deviating from the guide - your author biography is due NEXT MONDAY!  In addition, please bring a NEW copy of your fully revised story on Monday to turn in to me.  Remember your parameters:
  • 6-10 pages (this is a strict limit, but you do not have to include your title page/illustration or the author's biography in this limit if you don't want to)
  • 12-point font - you may use any legible, easily readable font
  • Line spacing can be single or double (or anything in between)
  • Normal margins - 1" all around (for binding)
  • In addition to the story, you need a title page that includes the author's name and story title, plus any illustration or photo
  • You also need an author's biography with a description and photo - I'll send you some samples
  • Text needs to be black, but your photo, illustration, and anything on your title page can be in color
After next Monday, you will have one last week for final minor edits, completing your cover illustration, and getting all of your materials to me before class on Monday, April 15.  I need your story, author biography and photo, and cover page emailed to me as PDFs.

P.S. - if you're interested, you can also submit for consideration a cover for our anthology - this could be artwork you create (drawing, painting, photography) or anything else!  To be considered, these need to be submitted by class on April 8.

P.P.S. - don't forget to read the assigned short stories and bring a relevant Bible verse!

We reviewed opening statements and worked through themes for the prosecution and defense - nice work!  We also practiced the appearances by counsel and introduction of witnesses.  

I gave students handouts for introducing exhibits, impeaching witnesses, and making objections.  Be sure to continue to review the objections in the mock trial handbook.

Of critical importance now is for everyone to finalize their direct and cross exams.  Students are meeting on Wednesday to work as attorney-witness pairs.  I also hope to give you information on who is doing the opening statements and closing arguments.  Be sure to bring all of your work and materials.

  • Don't forget to bring to class: math problem; typed, printed copies of your final mock trial exams; typed, printed copy of your revised short story (following the parameters set forth above) and author's biography; relevant Bible verse(s) for our assigned short stories; and your Discovering Atomos book with exercises completed from lesson 3.
  • We have Latin study hall at our normally scheduled time/place on Tuesday.  Hope to see you there!
Blessings on you and your studies this week!  

~ Mrs. D

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