Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Week 3

We shared prayer requests and discussed Chapter 2 of Do Hard Things.  If you have an idea of a "hard thing" the class could do together, please share!

You should all now be able to completely fill in Verb Charts 1 and 2 and the first section of Chart 3.  You will learn the rest of Chart 3 over the next two weeks.

We continued to review how to build verbs.  For example:
to advise: moneō, monēre, monuī, monitus
to send: mittō, mittere, mīsī, missus
  1. 2nd principal part = monēre; -ēre verbs are 2nd conjugation
= mittere; -ere verbs are 3rd conjugation
  1. Stem = mon-
Stem = mitt-
  1. Add the signature / indicator vowel:              ē = monē
e = mitte
  1. Add the tense indicator: None is needed for present tense;
    imperfect = -ba;
    future = -bi / -bo / -be /  -bu

  1. Add personal ending: 
-or / -r         -mur
-ris -minī
-tur -ntur

We reviewed ablative of living agent (for last week).  E.g.,  God is being praised by men.
= God by men is being praised.
(Nom.) (prep taken w/abl.) (ablative pl.) (3rd sing. —> He is being praised.)
Deus ab hominībus laudātur. 

NOTE:  Use the preposition ab (= by), which is written as ā before any word beginning with a consonant except h!

And I introduced ABLATIVE OF MEANS (p. 194):  If it’s NON-LIVING or the MEANS or INSTRUMENT with which something is done, then no preposition is needed!  Just use the ablative case (without ab or ā).

We played Around the World to quiz vocabulary.  We have quite a few new words - make sure you are studying them!  And don't neglect to review for the NLE - we have many quizzes on Quizlet.  This week, try to complete practice tests 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004 before Latin study hall next week.

Our focus this past week was of STORY FOCUS.  We discussed Little Girls Wiser Than Men and Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, including the time span of these stories and how the authors gave background information on their characters, setting, and plot.

Students shared their ONE idea they've narrowed down and received feedback from the class.  This week, read The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (p. 57-75), answer the Review and Thought Questions, find a Bible verse that speaks to the theme or issue in the story, and WRITE OUT the focus of your own short story.  Is it a character, event, or idea?  Begin with “My story is about…”  You can use the questions on p. 14 to help define your story focus.  Write out your answer to the prompt and BRING IT TO CLASS!

Students shared their summaries of chapter 2 of Defeating Darwinism and added to their own outlines as needed.

We discussed different techniques for summarizing, including lists and paraphrased or summary paragraphs:

Summarization Options and Tips 
When we summarize, we want to take a large amount of information, and condense it down to a few key thoughts or sentences. Sometimes, it is easier to create one comprehensive paragraph from many.  Other times, it makes more sense to create bullet points which outline the ideas in the text.  In Chapter 1, we essentially used bullet points to summarize, whereas in Chapter 2 we wrote in paragraph form. 

Neither is more right or wrong, as long as we are including: the main, most important points in the chapter; new vocabulary; and people who are relevant to the information. It is also important to keep the spirit (mood) of the text the author intended and condense information (making it much ‘smaller’ than the original text). 

Ask yourself key questions when deciding how to summarize. 
Could I create a list of events? Is the author telling a story? Is he using words like, ‘there are 3 reasons,’ or ‘firstly...secondly...’ Understanding how the author is delivering his thoughts will help us decide how it will be best to summarize the chapter. If the author is making a list, you may want to as well. If he is telling a story or explaining one big, main idea, creating a well-thought out paragraph may be more relevant. 

Tips for Summarizing / Outlining: 
- Create a Vocabulary and People section to fill as you read
- Read through the entire chapter first without summarizing
- Create a small paragraph that gives a brief overview of everything included in the chapter 
- Create a new heading for each section in the chapter
- Decide if the section would be best summarized as a list or paragraph
- Read the section again
- Create your summary (condense the big ideas into smaller pieces of information)
- Use adjoining words to create fuller compound sentences
- Try to tie common thoughts together into one big thought
- Leave out insignificant details
- Begin with a sentence that encompasses the entire idea of the section, then follow that with relevant details or ideas 
- When making lists, try to clarify by using phrases such as, “The author lists 3 reasons why...” or “The author highlights 4 ways this happens...” When you re-read your notes, this will be helpful in understanding. 

We considered the movie Inherit the Wind & the concept and power of "the megaphone."  Hopefully we can get together soon to watch the movie as a class.

This coming week, scan/touch/read chapter 3 and outline all major points.  Bring your outline to class and be prepared to discuss it.

We reviewed some material from Saxon, students paired up to share their own problems, and Addie led the class in a discussion of her problem.

Make sure you are bringing to class every week a new problem that you are prepared to lead a discussion on.

This week you will complete the reading and exercises for Lessons 6-9.  We reviewed each of these together in class.  As always, feel free to email, text, or call me if you run into any trouble.  Parents, it looks like we can schedule a Logic tutorial for you during the kids' Latin study hall on Tuesday, February 12.  Please let me know if you would like to attend.

Students spent this strand building a comprehensive timeline with information from all of the witnesses and exhibits they have analyzed so far.  This week, you will tackle analyzing and paraphrasing the one remaining witness: Barbara Barrett.  Continue to add to your own timeline, and also reread sections 4-7 of your case materials.

* Logic study hall for parents on Tuesday, February 12, during the kids' Latin time.

* Parents please respond ASAP to the doodle about scheduling several movie nights for second semester (the link is in the email I sent on Sunday).

* In preparation for the NLE, try to complete two tests each week - by next Tuesday, you should have 1999-2004.

We talked about the strands it's really important to stay on top of and not get behind in - for second semester of CH B, there are quite a few.  Most important is Mock Trial - you are not doing this individually, but rather have a duty and responsibility to your classmates who are your team.  Everyone must pull their weight and do quality work!

I also encourage you to stay on top of Logic, your own short story, and Latin (which is all new material now).  Falling behind in any of these strands will put you at a significant disadvantage that is hard to catch up on.  

Blessings on you and your studies this week!

~ Mrs. D

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