Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Week 2

We began our discussion of Do Hard Things today.  I especially enjoyed hearing your thoughts and expectations about your goals for the teenage years.  Read chapter 2 and come prepared to discuss rebelling against low expectations!

We introduced Verb Chart 3, which covers the passive voice in present, imperfect, and future tenses  (rules 243-245), and reviewed how  to build verbs:

E.g., to praise:   laudō, laudāre, laudāvī, laudātus
  1. 2nd principal part = laudāre — āre verbs are 1st conjugation
  2. Stem = laud-
  3. Add conjugation indicator: ā = laudā    
  4. Add tense indicator, if any:  none needed for present tense; imperfect = -ba;
    future = -bi / -bo / -be / -bu
  5. add personal ending = 
-or (for -ō) / -r (for -m) -mur
-ris                            -minī
-tur                           -ntur

We then discussed the Ablative of Agent (p. 185).  In a passive sentence, the subject is acted upon instead of doing the action.
The boy threw the ball.    —->    The ball was thrown by the boy.

The “actor” in passive sentences is not the subject.  We call it the “living agent”.
In English and Latin, the living agent is expressed by a prepositional phrase.
The ball was thrown by the boy.

In Latin, we use the preposition ab (= by), which is written as ā before any word beginning with a consonant except h.

E.g., ab omnibus hominibus (by all men)
ā duce (by the leader)
ab hominibus (by men)

God is being praised by men:

God by men is being praised.

(Nom.) (prep w/abl.) (ablative pl.) (3rd sing. —> He is being praised.)

Deus ab hominībus laudātur. 
We reviewed some trouble spots in lessons 1-5.  This week, begin chapters 6-9.  Read through *all* four chapters at the beginning of the week, make your vocabulary flashcards and begin to study them, then go back and reread chapter 6 and complete the exercises in that lesson.  Repeat the same process for chapter 7, and so on.  You will have 2 weeks to reread all four chapters and complete all the exercises.  Please feel free to email or text me if you run into any trouble during the week - it's important to keep up with logic in these early weeks as we make this transition into propositional logic.  :)

We discussed naturalism, the importance of students learning to "master the challenge of evolution instead of it mastering you", and what "the most important question" is: Is there a God who created us and who cares about what we do?  Note that it's not whether God “exists”, but whether God cares about us and whether we need to care about God’s purposes.  We also discussed whether there is an inherent conflict between "faith" and "science", and reviewed the current NABT (National Association of Biology Teachers) position statement on teaching evolution, which includes:
Science teachers must reject calls to account for the diversity of life or describe the mechanisms of evolution by invoking non-naturalistic or supernatural notions, whether called “creation science,” “scientific creationism,” “intelligent design theory,” or similar designations. Ideas such as these are outside the scope of science and should not be presented as part of the science curriculum. These notions do not adhere to the shared scientific standards of evidence gathering and interpretation.
Just as nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution, nothing in biology education makes sense without reference to and thorough coverage of the principle and mechanisms provided by the science of evolution. Therefore, teaching biology in an effective, detailed, and scientifically and pedagogically honest manner requires that evolution be a major theme throughout the life science curriculum both in classroom discussions and in laboratory investigations.

Your first attempts at highlighting and summarizing a chapter seemed to go well.  This week, you will "read" chapter 2 (using our multi-step approach of counting the cost, scan/touch, read & highlight, then read & summarize).  I look forward to hearing your thoughts on what stood out most to you.  We will review your completed outlines (do forget to bring it!!) and come up with our 3-5 main points from the chapter.

I introduced Saxon lessons 61-64, and students paired up to share the problems they brought this week.  We will continue this format next week.  Don't forget to keep practicing your basic math facts and multiplication drills!

Last week focused on THEME.  We discussed the four assigned short stories and students shared their own story ideas.  This week's stories introduce the idea of STORY FOCUS.  As you read them, be thinking of a relevant Bible verse to share in class, and think about the Review & Thought Questions following each story.

You also need to narrow your own short story idea down to one.  WRITE it down and BRING it to class!  :)

Students competed in a scavenger hunt to see who could locate the most items in the case materials (congratulations Sydney, Greta, & Addie!).  We looked at the rewritten witness statements (nice job!) and several examples of how students compiled their timeline.

Remember, the evidence is the SAME for both sides.  It's the PERSPECTIVE that matters.   The prosecution will interpret the evidence one way and the defense another.  When you're creating "PDI" charts (i.e., ANI charts) for each witness or exhibit, you'll need to put on either the prosecution or defense “hat” in order to most effectively analyze the evidence.

This week, reread sections 1-3 in the case materials, analyze the statements of Porter & McGuire, rewrite those statements in your own words, and continue to add evidence to your comprehensive timeline.

Don't neglect to bring all of your work to class on Monday!  Your classmates are depending on you to pull your own weight - come prepared to share your work and ideas!

* The Hiding Place at Faith's house on Saturday, Jan. 19, at 7 p.m.

* Latin Study Hall: Tuesdays from 10:15-11:45 a.m.

* And don't forget to bring to class:

- all books for each strand
- Bible
- Defeating Darwinism outline of chapter 2
- math problem with 5 Common Topics questions prepared
- your narrowed, single story idea, written down
- rewritten statements for Porter & McGuire
- your own comprehensive timeline for mock trial

Blessings on your week!  ~ Mrs. D

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