Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Semester 2 ~ Week 9


Read chapter 8 this week and come prepared to discuss "Small Hard Things"!  Be thinking and praying about what your proposal will be for a "Hard Thing" our class can do.  


We only have ONE chapter left!  For chapter 8 ("Stepping Off the Reservation"), you are creating your own outline from scratch.  Don't neglect to scan, touch, and then read the entire chapter BEFORE beginning to write your outline.  Consider how each section relates to the sections around it.  Create your own Vocabulary and People sections for new words and people you come across in the chapter.

If you work on paper, you might want to create a very simple outline of headings before you expand your ideas.  This way, if you want to add points in, or find another idea you missed, it will be easy to insert it.  You also might want to work in pencil.  Even easier might be to type your outline on the computer - insert ideas you find out of order won't be any problem at all this way.

For your outline, simplify and sum up the biggest ideas in as few words as possible.  The outline can be more complex or more simple.  We’ve tried many different types this semester with the shells you've been using.  The key is to use the format that YOU learn from BEST.  

The purpose of outlining is to show logical structure in what we are learning or writing about.  It also shows the relationship between ideas and helps us to strengthen our understanding of the bigger concepts and ideas by pulling out the most important information and summarizing it.  When you have finished your outline, assess whether you have accomplished each of these things.


We are taking the NLE in class on Monday!  Put in as much time as possible this week to study - there are a bunch of Quizlets, I am resending the grammar study guide to you, and you have the map I handed out in class a few weeks ago.  I am excited to see how you all do!  The exam is 40 questions in 45 minutes.  Remember the strategies we've discussed:  with multiple choice questions, rule out the obviously bad answers; for short stories, read through the entire story as best you can first and read through all of the questions, because a subsequent question might give you clues about the correct answer to the preceding question; etc.

In Henle, we have another week in Lesson 22 and chart 5 (present tense, subjunctive mood, active voice).  You have a new vocabulary list (p. 230), four exercises, and five new rules.


I really enjoyed our discussion about The Celestial Railroad - great job!  Initially, most of you found the story to be more difficult to understand, but I hope you all ended up enjoying it too!

The week, you are reading A White Heron (pp. 157-163).  Be sure to answer Review & Thought Qs and find Bible verse that applies (and it bring to class!).
  Reread p. 143 on "plot" and continue to refine your own plot by completing the following:
     -  clearly identify the conflict of the main character (and WRITE IT DOWN);
     -  is your character's conflict internal, external, or both?  (WRITE down your answer);
     -  identify your main character’s objective, the obstacle they will encounter, and the outcome you anticipate at the end of the story (WRITE these down!);
     -  finally, begin writing your story!!!!!


This week you are preparing an ANI / PDI chart for each of the statutes ("P" column includes anything helpful to the plaintiff; "D" is anything helpful to the defense; and "I" is anything interesting that doesn't seem to fit in the "P" or "D" columns).

Be as thorough as you can!  And email to me your ANI / PDI charts for BOTH the nine exhibits and each of the statutes, and I will post them in a Google doc.  On Monday, I will assign attorney examinations and witness roles.

You also need to:
     - reread Sections 8-9
     - re-read Section 2 regarding closing arguments
     - email me all of your PDI charts for the exhibits and statutes


We are now on chapters 17-19.  Read all of the chapters, understand the vocabulary, FINISH all of exercises 17a and 17b if you did not complete them last week, and begin to work on the new exercises as much as possible.  I will hold a logic study session on Friday, March 10, from 9:30-11:30 a.m. at the Castle Pines library - join us!


We are SO CLOSE to our Drill to Chill celebration!  Keep practicing on Quizlet - especially in the areas you have not yet mastered.  If everyone is at the study group on Friday, perhaps we can take the tests again to see if we can earn ice cream!


- Note-taking Journal

Do Hard Things book
- Prayer request to share

Defeating Darwinism book
- Hard copy of your outline of DD chapter 8

Words Aptly Spoken Short Stories book
- Bible verse for "A White Heron"
WRITTEN tasks:
     - the conflict of your main character
     - main character’s objective
     - the obstacle they will encounter
     - the outcome you anticipate at the end of the story

     - beginning of your story!

- Nine completed ANI / PDI charts - one for each statute in the Mock Trial notebook.

- Logic book and completed exercises


*  Please note our extra Mock Trial practice days on your calendars!  

          - Friday, March 31 (9:00-12:00)
          - Wednesday, April 5 (9:00-3:00)
          - Monday, April 17 (8:30-3:00)
          - Tuesday, April 18 (8:30-3:00)
          - Friday, April 21 (9:00-12:00)

*  Don't forget to study for the NLE!  :)

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