Thursday, March 2, 2017

Semester 2 ~ Week 8

We've had a bit of a hiatus from the blog, but here's a quick recap of this past week for you, as well as a checklist for class on Monday.  :)


Read chapter 7 this week and come prepared to discuss the power of collaboration!  I would also love for you all to begin brainstorming some possible "hard things" you could do as a class.  Serving on a mission team to Juarez?  Organizing a race to raise money for World Vision?  Hosting an Exile Night for Voice of the Martyrs?  I can't wait to hear what you come up with!


We only have two chapters left!  This week, it's chapter 7 - don't forget to scan, touch, then read!  Outline all the major points - the outline shell has even less this week because you should be figuring out for yourself what you should include.  Be prepared to discuss the chapter and add to your outlines - remember, these outlines are your study guides for this strand!


We will practice a bit more for the NLE on Monday - then the following Monday is the actual exam!  Be sure to get some time in on Quizlet to review the NLE materials over the next week and a half.

In Henle, we finished Unit 5!  You now should know the entire Master Review Vocabulary No. 2 list (pp. 217-224) and be able to fill in conjugation charts 1-4.  This week, you are moving onto Lesson 22 and chart 5 (present tense, subjunctive mood, active voice).  You have a new vocabulary list (p. 227), five exercises, and some new rules.


Everyone seemed to enjoy reading The Red-Headed League.  I hope you also have found The Celestial Railroad to be interesting - it is a bit more difficult!  Be sure to go over the "Thought" and "Review" questions and find a Bible verse.

You also need to reread the Plot section (pp. 143-144) and begin brainstorming the plot for YOUR story.  Use the questions on p. 14 for guidance, and complete Writing Practice 1 (p. 165).  Bring your WRITTEN plot ideas to share with the class on Monday.


Wow - our Mock Trial preparation is flying by!  You have completed direct and cross examinations for every witness.  This week you are preparing an ANI chart for each of the nine exhibits (exhibit 9 is the weather report - it is not labeled as an exhibit, though).  Think of the ANI chart as more of a PDI chart.  The "P" column includes anything helpful to the plaintiff; "D" is anything helpful to the defense; and "I" is anything interesting that doesn't seem to fit in the "P" or "D" columns.

Be as thorough as you can!  I would rather see you be over-inclusive with information on your PDI/ANI charts than under-inclusive.  :)  On Monday, we will review exhibits, discuss roles, and start analyzing the statutes.


Oh boy - we're getting into some really tough stuff now!  But this difficult, mind-stretching HARD THING will strengthen your brain, develop your logical reasoning, and toughen your resolve.  Hang in there!  As you reread chapters 14-17 and complete all the exercises, remember a few things:

- Recognizing the rules of inference in a proof is REALLY TRICKY!  Don't get frustrated with yourself.  PRACTICING is key - and PERSEVERANCE!

Remember that the whole point of these proofs is to use the premises to deduce the conclusion
.  You're going to make intermediate conclusions, which then become new premises, in order to get to (or deduce/prove) the final conclusion.

Don't just "look" at the form of the premise; actually READ it aloud or in your mind (e..g, "If…, then…")

- The Rule of Absorption and the Rule of Addition are frequently overlooked - if you are stuck, try them.

- Usually (not always) every step of a proof is used.  If you get stuck, check to see which premise line numbers haven’t been used yet.
  E.g., if you have used lines 1, 2, 4, and 5, and then get stuck on the next line, check out line 3!  

- In the exercises for lesson 17, you will use ALL of Appendix B - not just the bottom half.

- If you are not still familiar with Appendix B, take some time to relearn it.

- Finally, if you have a complete mental block, move on and come back to that problem later with fresh perspective.


We are SO CLOSE to our Drill to Chill celebration!  Get on Quizlet and take a few passes at the multiplication drills and basic math facts.  Maybe we can all get 100% next week!


Okay - I'm not going to do this every week, but here is what you need to be sure to bring to class on Monday:

- Note-taking Journal

- Do Hard Things book
- Prayer request to share

- Defeating Darwinism book
- Hard copy of your outline of DD chapter 7

- Henle materials
- Latin conjugation charts - at least charts 1-5.  I emailed these several times to everyone - PRINT them if you have already!

- Words Aptly Spoken Short Stories book
- Bible verse for "The Celestial Railroad"
- Completed Writing Practice 1 from p. 165.
- WRITTEN plot ideas to share with the class, based on your answers to questions on p. 14 and the Writing Practice 1

- Nine completed ANI / PDI charts - one for each exhibit in the Mock Trial notebook.

- Logic book and completed exercises

- Dark chocolate (just kidding ~ sort of...)  ;)


*  Please note our extra Mock Trial practice days on your calendars!  

          - Friday, March 31 (9:00-12:00)
          - Wednesday, April 5 (9:00-3:00)
          - Monday, April 17 (8:30-3:00)
          - Tuesday, April 18 (8:30-3:00)
          - Friday, April 21 (9:00-12:00)

*  Don't forget, you only have about ten days left to study for the NLE!  :)

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