Thursday, September 29, 2016

Week 6

Class was great on Monday!  I really enjoyed the Linnaeus presentations; we had a lively and well-thought discussion during current events; we're getting to some fun stuff in Logic; and I love to see you all spurring one another on in friendly competition during drills, review games, and on Quizlet!

I also enjoyed our CH B Mamas' fellowship and discussion on Tuesday night.  Thank you again, Mrs. Markel, for hosting us - wonderful drinks, delicious food, and great friends!  :)  For those who couldn't make it - we missed you! - let me know if you have any questions.  We will have another moms' get-together soon to talk about the Science Fair!


Ms. Jones led us in a devotion on attentiveness (Hebrews 2:1).  Ms. Baughman is up next Monday (meekness; Psalm 62:5).  Don't forget to be praying for the request you picked up today.

Last week, we finished lessons 5 and 6 and reviewed vocabulary in class.  This week, we're on Lesson 7!


Final essays for Little Britches are due on Monday, and everyone should also be done reading Where the Red Fern Grows by then.  For your essays, use the outline for Essay #4, including exordium, amplification, parallelism, and strong and active verbs!  I asked students to bring TWO copies of their paper - one to present from and one for me with their parallelism and strong verbs highlighted.  Feel free to start incorporating other “dress ups” into your essays now.  Can’t wait to hear them on Monday!


We tried a new game today (Bluff) for Logic vocab and I think it was a hit!  Keep working on flashcards, and also practice drawing the Square of Opposition.  This week we're moving on to lessons 19-22.  Make sure you work on all the new vocab from these lessons and, as you are able, go ahead and start on the lessons and exercises.  We'll be working on these same lessons next week, too.


Keep DRILLING so we can soon be CHILLING!  ;)

For our lesson review, we discussed calculating averages, canceling common factors and multiplying more than two fractions, and reviewing the metric system.

Mr. McInturff and Ms. Dragovich also led us through two different cool problems.  Next week, Ms. Thoma volunteered to bring in a problem to explain.


The students did a great job on their taxonomy presentations!  Lots of difficult pronunciations in there...I encouraged them to practice (out loud) during the week and also to just FAKE IT when something tricky comes up while they are presenting.  ;)

This week's assignment might also be tricky....You are writing an essay (see p. 179 in the Guide for all the questions you are supposed to address) and you are also devising a presentation to demonstrate electromagnetism - some ideas include: 

(1) using a battery, magnets, and wire; 
(2) magnets and iron shavings;
(3) a magnetized battery with a nail and copper wire; 
(4) magnetized slime made with gak and iron filings;
(5) homopolar motors; and
(6) an electromagnetic train.

Bring your demonstration to class because we will be sharing them - perhaps with students from other classes, too!  Here are some links on Faraday and possible experiments that you might find helpful:

You can also search YouTube with "Faraday/electromagnetism" to find several videos.

And Ms. Jones created a Faraday quiz on Quizlet (thank you!):  

Finally, here's a link I stumbled on about the top creation scientists in history - interesting in general, and also some good stuff on Faraday: 


In class, students divided into two groups and outlined presentations on either side of the issue:  Whether tablets and computers should be used in classrooms.  After their presentations, the debate continued - it was fun!  To allow time for the students to discuss their own ideas after presenting their articles, we'll try a slightly different format next Monday, which I think you will all enjoy because it should open up some time for you to really discuss/debate with each other.  :)  

You will still find one affirmative and one negative article for our premise (Should private gun ownership be restricted?).  Side note:  the articles on are a good starting point to finding out what the arguments are, etc., but you should be trying to find articles on your own now - e.g., being able to discern whether it’s an affirmative or negative article, whether there is any bias, etc.  

For the notecards…here’s where it’s a little different.  On each notecard, instead of writing out all the information from the CE form, write out an exordium, 3 proofs, and an amplification.  The 3 proofs are just three compelling points from your article that you think you could use as proof in your presentation.  For the amplification, actually write the amplification (e.g., "All parents should be able to protect their families."), don’t just write who your audience is and what they care about (e.g., “My audience is parents and they care about protecting their families.”).  Make sense?  If you’ve already written your notecards the old way, no worries.  You can do this starting next week.  :)

For class, make sure to bring:

- both articles and notecards (with exordium, 3 proofs, and amplification), and
- a relevant Bible verse.

On Monday, we will also begin discussing the issues surrounding genetically modified foods for our premise next week: Whether the federal government should require GMO labeling?  Issues surrounding women in the military will follow in two weeks.


There are several documents I will be sending out via email tomorrow (Square of Opposition, Logic quizzes and tests schedule, etc.).  If you were hoping for something but don't see it tomorrow, let me know and I'll send it, too!

If you’re interested in checking out some of CC's webinars, here’s a list of upcoming ones:

There is even one on Monday featuring Jim Nance (he wrote our Logic curriculum), entitled Why Logic?, from 6-7 p.m.  Register at the link above.

Finally, mark your calendar for MOVIE NIGHT on Saturday, October 8, at 7:30 p.m.  We'll start the movie (Where the Red Fern Grows) around 8 pm.  Feel free to bring a treat to share.  Moms, you are welcome to stay if you need a good cry.  ;)

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