Thursday, September 1, 2016

Week 2

Well, as is probably true for most of us, the beginning of each new school year brings new schedules, new classes, and new responsibilities that sometimes take a few weeks to sort out....So this posting is tardy, and I apologize for that!  In the future, I will try to post for the upcoming week prior to our community day and then just edit that posting after class as needed.  Thank you for bearing with me as I get used to all of this.  :)


Several people asked if the science cards are okay to use as sources.  This is entirely up to the parent-teacher.  If you do use the cards as a source, here is a way you can cite them in your bibliography:

“Card title.” Card #45. Classical Acts & Facts Science Cards. Set 1: Biology/Geology. West End, NC: Classical Conversations MultiMedia, 2010.

Here are some links you might find helpful on Copernicus - students and teachers should view these together because there are pop-up ads and other such stuff I can't always foresee.  ;)  (good description of geo-centric vs. heliocentric models, and also previews some of our other scientists like Kepler and Newton)

Remember, page 177 of the Guide lists the upcoming scientists we are studying, as well as the specific assignment for each week.


Our current events topics are listed very generally in the CH B Handbook (p. 9 - e.g., "euthanasia"). During class, I would like for the students to develop the specific premise they will each research that week (e.g., "Should euthanasia be legal in all 50 states?").  If you need to complete your research early for a given week (e.g., because of travel plans), then feel free to develop a premise on your own.

We continued to discuss note-taking.  If you subscribe to CC Connected, there are some webinars on note-taking and the highlighting method there.  Search for "How to Research Well: Notetaking and Highlighting" and "The Highlighting System."


Make sure you are staying on track for this strand - it will feel like we are progressing quickly!  The kids struggled a bit with vocab, so for lessons 6-10, make your flashcards, check out Quizlet, and practice, practice, practice!


We are having fun working through problems together each week, with the kids taking turns at the whiteboard.  As the concepts transition from review/basic stuff to more challenging topics, we may re-evaluate how we approach this strand in class, but the kids seem to be enjoying how we're doing it for now.

At the beginning of each class day, we are competing against the clock and ourselves on math drills.  So far it has been multiplication facts 2-12.  The kids are improving their accuracy each week - it's fun to see their progress.  :)  I have encouraged them to do some practice drills at home, if that fits into your schedule.  You can find drills online for free (


Students are sorting their ANI charts this week and drafting their outline.


Complete the assigned lessons and review vocab.

Enjoy your week!  Remember: hard is not bad!  :)

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