Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Week 4

Week 4 is in the on for what's next!

We considered and discussed the verses I posted in last week's blog - and how we can create a safe, encouraging, and productive environment to share ideas and learn and grow together.  I enjoyed our day yesterday and thought everyone did a pretty good job working towards meeting this need.  I asked students to journal something from our discussion.  We came back to that after lunch and students shared what they had written.  Not everyone had written something, however.  Parents and students have a great opportunity this week to look at your journals together, talk about how you want it used and what the parent expectations are, and how you can better participate in this aspect of class. 

Proverbs 18:4 “A person’s words can be life-giving water; words of true wisdom are as refreshing as a bubbling brook.”

Proverbs 15:4 “Gentle words bring life and health; a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.”

Proverbs 16:24 “Kind words are like honey–sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.”

1 Corinthians 13:4-6 "Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude.  It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth."

Students were quizzed today on the 1st-3rd + sum declensions, as well as some of the gender rules.  I will send out the results to each family separately.  Many students have a lot of work left to get this information down.  It's review from last year (and Foundations), so please be diligent in learning it quickly.  

We're moving onto lesson 4 this week:  

4th Declension:     portus, portūs (harbor)
Nom.   -us   -ūs 
Gen.   -ūs   -uum
Dat.   -uī   -ibus
Acc.   -um  -ūs
Abl.   -ū   -ibus

Rule 66 - 4th declension nouns are MASCULINE except:
manus, -ūs (f., hand)
- domus, domūs (f., house)
- cornū, -ūs (n., horn)
- genū, -ūs (n., knee)
+ a few others

The Preposition "in"
“in” takes the accusative or ablative, depending on its use:

If MOVEMENT or MOTION is expressed = acc.
He came into the forest. They made an attack against / upon / on the enemy.

If no idea of movement or motion is expressed = abl.
He is on the hill. He is in the forest. 

LATIN STUDY HALL is on Thursday from 10:00-11:30.

Thank you, Faith and Ellie., for presenting in class.  Everyone should continue to prepare a new problem for discussion each week using the 5 CTs chart to organize your thoughts.  We will try the Basic Math Facts test again next week, so practice your multiplication drills, conversions, and math laws on Quizlet this week!

We listened to some very creative interviews of Copernicus!  This week, you are researching Galileo.  It sounds like there is some confusion over what exactly the guide is asking you to do this week, so here you go:

- Research Galileo Galilei, including his background, faith, and many inventions.  Focus especially on his improvements to the telescope.

- Prepare a drawing of the lens design of a Galilean Telescope.  Label all of the parts and be prepared to explain how it works.

- Write an essay using the basic format in the 5-paragraph burger handout. For example: 
I.  Introduction
II.  Galileo's background/faith
III.  His many inventions, focusing especially on his improvements to the telescope (and briefly explain how a refracting telescope works)
IV.  A paragraph on any other aspect of your research on Galileo that interests you
V.  Conclusion

- Write a bibliography for your essay.  Also insert citations throughout your essay (using a short form of your sources from the bibliography).  Remember: At this point it is better to over-cite than under-cite.  So far we have had quite a few problems as a class in being able to identify which source a fact in an essay came from.  So err on the side of citing too much for now!

IMPORTANT LAST STEPS:  (1) edit and revise your rough draft with your parent's input, (2) have your parent grade your final draft, and (3) practice presenting your essay/interview out loud ten times.

We finished up lessons 6-10.  Continue to work on vocabulary daily (now from lessons 1-18).  You have eight lessons to complete this week and next (lessons 11-18 on the SQUARE OF OPPOSITION!), and this is some important and foundational stuff!  So stay on top of it and do you best this week to get at least the following done before next Monday:

- read all lessons, 11-18
- make flashcards for all new vocabulary and review vocab daily
- reread lessons 11-12 and complete all exercises

After that, you will reread a lesson and complete all the exercises for lessons 13-18.  Please let me know if you have any questions as you go along.  Parents, we'll meet this week during Latin study hall and I'll give you an introduction and overview to these lessons.

Nice job on your Phantom Tollbooth essays.  I know the first few essays will seem dry and boring at times, since you know how to do more than the assigned essay format entails, but trust the process, stick to what is assigned, and enjoy the break - you'll be doing more with each subsequent book!

This week, create your issue for Little Britches and fill out your ANI chart with at least 25 items per column.  Complete the assigned worksheets to help you with this process.  The tool you'll add this week to generate ideas is COMPARISON - both as similarities and also degree/kind.  The worksheets will walk you through this.

Bring your completed ANI chart to class, with at least 25 items in each column!

We had a great discussion about school vouchers!  This coming week you will research federal healthcare (it might not seem as interesting at first glance, but this issue likely has a lot of real-world intersections for your own family!).  Talk to your parents about their experiences and thoughts on Obamacare, and research this specific issue is:

Is Obamacare negatively affecting the medical profession and people's access to medical care?

You will again find two articles (any side), but instead of completing the CE form for each article, you will record your key thoughts and ideas about each article onto a separate 3" x 5" note card.  You can still use the CE form to help you decide what information to include on the note card.  Don't forget to find a relevant Bible verse!  Bring your two articles, two note cards, and Bible verse to class and be prepared to discuss your articles.


Parents: PLEASE CHECK YOUR STUDENT'S NOTE-TAKING JOURNAL!  Let them know (and me, if possible) what your in-class expectations for the journals are (I am asking students to take time to journal regularly, but this is proving to be a struggle for several students).

- Latin study hall is this Thursday from 10:00-11:30 at the Castle Pines library - and parents please come, too, for a Logic bootcamp.  You won't regret it!

- I still need dates of any special activities students have outside of class that we could support them in (athletic events, plays, music performances, etc.).  

Cul-de-Sac Kickball BBQ is THIS Saturday, September 15.  Be sure to RSVP!

~ Love, Mrs. D.

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