Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Week 12

WOW!  WOW!  WOW!  I am so proud of each of you for the hard work you put in last week and the amazing job you did with your Speeches to Congress.  I asked each student beforehand to let me know what their "challenge goal" was for this task (i.e., what would be a stretch for them personally) - whether to be able to memorize their speech, improve their arguments, develop skills of persuasion, etc. - and it was wonderful to see them strive to accomplish those things.  Well done!

This week will hopefully feel a little calmer (except perhaps for those involved in the Mulan play!).  ;)  If you have a busy week ahead, I would encourage you to prioritize your work and not skimp on these assignments: write a good essay for The Hiding Place, finish reading The Witch of Blackbird Pondcontinue your work on the science fair, and read through all of the new lessons in Logic.


Mr. McInturff led us in a discussion on contentment (1 Timothy 6:8).  We switched leaders for the next two weeks.  Here is the revised schedule:

13:  Ms. Jones (diligence, Colossians 3:23)
14:  Ms. Baughman (responsibility, Romans 14:2)
15:  Ms. Nemec (joyfulness, Proverbs 15:13)

Remember to share (1) a definition of the character trait, (2) relevant Scripture they found, and (3) one to three questions to ask the class about applying the trait in their lives.  The goal is for our devotion time to be more discussion-oriented, and facilitated primarily by the student leader.


So, I thought Latin was pretty cool this week.  We reviewed homework, with each student taking turns at translations.  Then they reenacted a Roman trial of persecuted Christians - reading their scripts in Latin.  I loved their enthusiasm and drama!

One of our recent new topics has been VERBS.  Several of the students said they are struggling a bit with this.  I would encourage everyone to check out the resources on CC Connected.  Go to CONNECTED --> Challenge Learning Center, and from the Learning Center drop down box, select Grammar (Latin).  There is a whole category on Latin Verbs.  Enjoy!  I also gave each student a chart on verbs that should be helpful.

We are finishing up Lesson 11 in Henle this week.  There are new vocabulary words, three exercises to complete (#151, 153, 155), and new grammar rules (blue book).  The new rules include personal pronouns (1st and 2nd person, and also 3rd person reflexive and non-reflexive) and the rule that a pronoun must agree with the word to which it refers in GENDER and NUMBER.  Its CASE depends on how it is used in its own clause.  


Next week, students will read their essays on The Hiding Place.  They are to follow the Essay #6 format and check their final product against the checklist on page 112.  It should include an 
exordium, parallelism, at least one simile, antithesis, refutation, and amplification.

Also, please bring TWO copies of your paper to class, one highlighted for me as we discussed.  :)

We will also begin our discussion and ANI chart on The Witch of Blackbird Pond, so finish reading that this week.


We move on to lessons 30-32 this week.  Be sure to READ THROUGH ALL LESSONS.  You should also review the new vocabulary and, if you are able, begin working on the exercises.  Next week, you will re-read the lessons, continue to study vocabulary, and complete all the remaining exercises.

In class, I passed out a chart to everyone that summarizes our most recent lessons.  Be sure you understand each of the components on it, and come to class with any questions.  :)


For our lesson review, we discussed multiplying and dividing mixed numbers, roots and exponents, order of operations with exponents, roots, and fractions, volume, evaluation of exponential expressions and radicals, and fractional equations - whew! 

Everyone did well on math drills again this week.  It looks like they each only have about two facts they are still missing.  Practice on Quizlet this week and maybe we can nail it on Monday!  Remember, there are two Quizlet drills I made for these.  :)


Students shared their background research and hypotheses.  I think everyone has more background research they need to do.  Remember to take notes in your lab books and to write at least 3-5 paragraphs about your research into your research plan.

This week you are writing out the procedure for your project (section V in your Research Plan).  In class, we discussed the importance of including every silly little step.  :)  Check out for further resources on developing procedure.

This all means that by next Monday, your typed research plan should include sections I-V (see pp. 184-185 of the Guide).



Can I say WOW again?  I loved your Speeches to Congress!  This week, we have two issues:

     Should a driver's education course be required of any minor seeking a driver's license?

     Should a curfew be imposed on minors?

Students chose which issue they will research and the side they will present in class.  You do not need to memorize your speech, but you do need to do the following:

- Find at least one affirmative and one negative article.

- Find a Bible verse to support your argument.

- For the article supporting your side, prepare a notecard including an exordium, 3 proofs/subproofs, and an amplification.  

- For the article on the opposite side, prepare a notecard for your refutation, including the counter-thesis, two strong counter-proofs (and any sub-proofs needed to adequately explain the counter-proofs), your statement about what is wrong with each counter-proof, and a conclusion as to why the counter-thesis is not persuasive. 

REALLY THINK THROUGH each of the required elements so that your are ready to present your arguments on Monday (we will not be spending time preparing outlines in class).  Each person will present their argument individually, instead of sharing the presentation of one outline.


* Kyle's last day with us is this Monday.  :(

* We do NOT meet the Monday after Thanksgiving.  :)

* Don't forget to bring to class:  your typed science fair research paper (sections I-V), TWO copies of your LTW essay, all Latin homework, and notecards for your current events issue that map out your argument and counter-proofs.

* If you would like to see Ms. Nemec, Mr. McInturff, and Ms. Dragovich in their production of Mulan this weekend (Saturday at noon or 5 pm and Sunday at 2 pm), you can get tickets here:

See you on Monday!


  1. hi Mrs. Dragovich!
    I was just wandering, is science fair week 2 second semester?

    1. Excellent question! The exact date has not been set yet - we are coordinating with another CH B community who will join us for science fair and possibly mock trial, too. I hope to confirm the date with them soon and will let you all know as soon as possible, ��
