Thursday, January 19, 2017

Semester 2 ~ Week 2

Welcome back!  Here's a recap of what's going on:


I hope you are enjoying this book!  Read Chapter 2 this week and highlight your favorite parts.  Bring your book to class!


If you scored 100% on the multiplication drills and Basic Math Facts section of your blue book final, make sure your parent tells me.  We are so close to our Drill to Chill celebration!  We will continue to drill occasionally, but are adding in some fun math games each week now, too.  

Because of our snow delay, we didn't get to cover new Saxon lessons, but next week we'll take a look at fractional part word problems, changing rates, semicircles, proportions with mixed numbers, and ratio word problems and comparisons.


Mock Trial is finally here!  Do not let any anxiety or concerns interfere with the excitement and fun that is ahead!  I promise you are going to enjoy this, even if it forces you outside of your comfort zone at times.  We are in this together, and together we are going to learn and grow so much!

This week, make sure you continue reading through ALL of the case materials, but especially SECTIONS 1-3.  

You will also be analyzing and rewriting two witness statements into your own words (CUMBERLAND & CALHOUN), as well as creating a timeline for each of them.
Approach the rewrite by reading the statement as many times as necessary to really get to know the character; then, pretending you are that witness, write your statement.  Do not exclude ANY facts.  If something seems to be a mistake, do not change it.  You can combine sentences or separate them.  You can also add some of your own ideas as long as they do not change the important facts of the case.  (E.g., come up with your own name – “Samantha”; instead of saying “academic activities” at the end of paragraph two, you could say, “as long as my job doesn’t interfere with my football practice.”)  The purpose for rewriting the statements is to get WELL ACQUAINTED with each witness.  Here is a sample:


My name is Samantha Parker and I am 18 years old.  Last summer I was hit by a car while riding my bike.  

I have lived in Abbeville, SC all of my life.  After turning 16, my parents helped me get a part-time job.  The job had to be: close to my home so that I could use a bike to commute, not require me to work beyond my curfew, and not interfere with homework or other school activities. 

I was hired by a local restaurant, Main Street Café, which is located on Court Square and Pickens Street….

For your timeline, you can make a list of events or you can create an actual timeline horizontally across pages with hash marks for each event.  You will be sharing your information in class so that we can make a master timeline.  Here is a sample:


Age 16 (date unknown): 
Hired by Main Street Café 

2 years later @ age 18:
May 30, 2005 – Memorial Day Parade & Concert by CJ Calhoun 
May 30, 2005:   
     6:00 pm – Sam’s shift at Main Street Café began 
   ~8:00 pm – began raining 
   ~8:30 pm – rain stopped 
   ~10:20 pm – to be continued…

Mr. McInturff and Ms. Jones also loaded documents onto Google Docs that you can all review and contribute to - a different document for each witness and a master timeline document.  Please at least take a look at these before Monday so we can verify that you all have access and understand how to edit/add to them.  Then start adding information to the sections outlined.  Thank you, Mr. McInturff and Ms. Jones!!!

Remember - the students who work the hardest and complete their assignments for our Mock Trial will end up with their top choices of roles later in competition.  :)


(1) We're reading chapter 2 this week.  Remember:  SCAN, TOUCH, then READ!  Highlight with a system that you are comfortable with, including highlights for definitions (of words and people), important points, interesting quotes, and any "structural" words like first, second, third, or lists, etc.

(2) OUTLINE:  You may use the sample shell I distributed and handwrite or type your notes.  Bring your completed outline to class to share with everyone.

(3) Be prepared to DISCUSS this chapter in class.

Remember, you might need to reread the chapter a time or two to fully understand its points.  Reading this aloud with a parent is another option - you can talk through any questions or tough spots, and I think they will enjoy the book, too!


We finished chapters 1-5 and now are moving onto chapters 6-9.  You will have TWO weeks to complete this!  Please read ALL four chapters by Monday and start reviewing all the vocabulary.  Then, work on as many exercises as you are able.  Next week, you will review the chapters again and complete the remaining exercises.

By reading through all chapters this week, we can touch on any difficult spots in class before you have to move onto the next section.


This week you are studying pluperfect & future perfect tenses.  You have two exercises and new vocabulary.  In class, we will be quizzing the first part of Verb Chart 1 and ALL of Verb Chart 2, so be practicing those - I have emailed them to you and (twice) to your parents.  Study the new vocab too.  

We will also begin to review for the National Latin Exam - hooray!  Come on...SMILE!  I'm sure we'll do something FUN after you finish the exam!  ;)


For this week:

(1)  Re-read p. 39 on story focus

(2)  Read two stories:  Little Girls Wiser Than Men (p. 41-43) & Rikki-Tikki-Tavi (p. 45-55)

(3)  Take a look at the Review & Thought Questions for both stories

(4)  Find Bible verse that speaks to the theme or issue in the stories - bring it to class to share!

(5)  Finally, narrow your own list of short story ideas to ONE.  Write down a synopsis of the idea (this could be a summary of the story, a description of the characters and theme, some comments on the general plot, etc. - something to give us a taste of what you want to write about).  BRING YOUR WRITTEN SYNOPSIS TO CLASS and read it to us.  :)


Next Monday, Ms. Baughman, Ms. Thoma, and Ms. Jones will bring their final display boards and practice their oral presentations for us.  If Ms. Nemec and Ms. Dragovich are ready to do the same, that is wonderful.  If not, they will present the following week (Jan. 30).

In two weeks (January 30), EVERYONE will bring ALL their science fair materials (final research paper, display boards, props/exhibits, oral presentation).  After class, we will set everything up and invite parents to come and see the amazing work you did.  You will also give your oral presentations. I'm hoping this will run from 4:30-6:00 so that all the parents can make it.

If you know of anyone interested in CC or Challenge next year, we will also hold an Information Meeting that night - feel free to invite them!

Our Science Fair will be Wednesday, Feb. 1, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm in the gym at Cherry Creek Presbyterian Church (10150 E. Belleview Ave., Englewood, CO 80112).  I believe a mom has volunteered to pick up orders from Chic-fil-A for lunch, if you would like to bring money for that.  :)


* Finish ALL Mock Trial and Science Fair work!!!  And Defeating Darwinism and Short Stories!!!

* Make sure you bring all of your books, outlines, notebooks, etc. to class!  If in doubt about whether you should bring something, err on the side of caution and BRING IT!  ;)

* MOVIE NIGHT is this Monday immediately following class - 3:30-7:30 p.m. at the Nemecs.  Bring your own dinner!

See you on Monday!