Thursday, December 1, 2016

Week 13

WOW - only one regular community day left and then the blue book exam!  It's hard to believe our year is almost halfway over.  This blog post will be brief because I need to get back to work on the exam.  :)

On Monday, we will spend quite a bit of time reviewing material for the exam.  Remember - the exam is your opportunity to show off what you know.  There won't really be any surprises.  You will want to study, but NOT stress about this!  :)

Ms. Baughman will lead us in a devotion about responsibility (Romans 14:2).


Your assignments are in the Guide.  We will review in class what to expect on the exam.  Keep practicing your multiplication drills and Basic Math Facts - we are SO close to conquering our Drill to Chill challenge!  (And these items will likely appear on the exam!)


You are creating your issue and ANI charts for your essay on The Witch of Blackbird Pond, in addition to completing several worksheet pages in the student text.  We did not have much of an opportunity to discuss the novel during our last class.  Make sure you have finished reading the book by Monday!  I look forward to hearing the issues you came up with.


Your FINAL research plan is due on Monday.  See pages 184-185 in the Guide for the required contents.  PARENTS:  Please review and sign off on the plan before class!  Come prepared to discuss your project.  You should begin assembling the materials you will need for your experiments.


Our current event topic this week is: Should the federal government raise the national minimum wage?

Students chose which side they want to argue.  Find two articles, one supporting each side of the topic - you will use these to prepare your proofs and your refutation of counter-arguments.  Come to class having already prepared your exordium, proofs, refutation, amplification, Bible verse, etc.  We will not spend time in class preparing outlines - be ready to argue your side.  :)

For our final class of the semester (Dec. 12), you will be presenting your elevator speech.  We will go over this assignment in class on Monday.


* Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the CH B Movie Night is December 30 at the Jones's house, so save the date!

See you on Monday!  - Mrs. D